+7 (917)11-90-999gridnevaimi@mail.ru
с 10:00 до 18:00, воскресенье - выходной
Hello, September!
Основатель и руководитель школы English 4U, кандидат филологических наук, учитель и преподаватель английского языка, разработчик учебных материалов и курсов

Hi, everyone!

My name's Natalia Gridneva and I'll be happy to work with you!

I'm a professional English teacher and tutor. I've been teaching English as a foreign language since 1998.

I have a Candidate of Philological Sciences degree and great work experience to teach students at all levels from all over the world. I help them improve their English and achieve their goals.

I'm sure I can do the same for you! If you want to learn English, pass an exam, if you need help or have any questions, don't hesitate, write or just call me   




Cambridge Dictionary

Longman Dictionary

Oxford Learner's Dictionary

Dictionary of Collocations

Графический словарь-тезаурус

Словарь Мультитран

Macmillan Dictionary

Visual Dictionary Online


Приложение для языкового обмена

Подготовка к IELTS подкасты

Подготовка к IELTS - тренировочные задания

IELTS материалы

IELTS советы

IELTS учебники

IELTS tests and resources

Сервис для создания учебных карточек - Quizlet

Подкасты для изучения английского языка

BBC подкасты

Деловой английский (подкасты)

Memrise.com - система запоминания новых слов

Проверка письменных работ онлайн

Test your English

Fun English games for children


Грамматические тесты

ЕГЭ тренировочные задания

Английское произношение

Bookbridge - интернет-магазин иностранной литературы

First Certificate English

Listen to English

Listening practice

Visual English

Pronunciation in the context

TED ideas _ video presentations

Exam English (тесты)

Grammar tests

CAE Practice Tests

CAE exam

CAE exam sections

GetClass platform

Learn English Kids

Interactive worksheets

Macmillan education: state exams

Random Word Generator

Видеокниги для детей: читаем, слушаем и смотрим

ИНФОУРОК - готовые уроки

WORDWALL - лексические игры

Padlet BOARD

 Sciarium - downloading English books



Hello, September!



It's time to speak about a new academic year and the National Day of Knowledge which  is celebrated in all parts of our country on the 1st of September.

Teachers, parents, students, schoolchildren usually gather at schools, institutes or universities to congratulate each other on the beginning of the new studying year and to have a  performance or a concert dedicated to The Day of Knowledge. Pupils and parents give flowers to the teachers to thank them for their patience, energy, kindness and knowledge they generously share with their learners. Knowledge is very important in modern life. It helps us to choose a trade or profession, to be able to work well, to be successful and useful citizens of our country. 

I want all learners and teachers to work well, to get a lot of knowledge and experience, to be able to achieve their aims. Hope this academic year will be interesting, memorable, full of fun and benefits! I wish you good luck with your work and study!


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